I started this website as a project with one simple mission and thing in mind, YOU. I want to share my mistakes so you don't make them. For what seems like an eternity I had hoped to find the broker, guru, etc that cared more about my financial happiness than their own. Then I decided to create what I had always hoped to find. With the help of you and others it is getting closer and closer to the vision.
After watching the havoc created in the financial markets and enduring the stress of watching our retirement accounts lose 50% of their value I concluded passively stocking money into an account was no longer a viable option. I set about to find a way to grow our investments with the preservation of capital a priority. Experimenting with everything from real estate to futures I slowly learned about position sizing, risk, and multiple trading systems. With over ten years of trial and tribulation and my military career drawing to an end I have now set about to share the accompanying wisdom with others. I am not perfect but will be forever perfecting my knowledge and skills as greatness is a never ending pursuit. I am not a broker, bank, or any other financial institution looking to make money off of you. Quite the contrary. The goal is to help you, not make money at your expense. If you do want to support my work please use the affiliate links in my blog. Kinetic Momentum is my way of serving our community and ”paying it forward.”
Read my blogs for information on investing, business, and transitioning out of the military.